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International Scholar Journal of Arts and Social Science Research

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The International Scholar Journal of Arts and Social Science Research (ISJASSR) publishes peer-reviewed articles on arts and social science research topics. This journal is published in the humanities and social sciences. The journals’ topics include art, history, sociology, and economics. Currently, the journal is indexed in Ulrich’s, Cite Factor, Google Scholar, CrossRef, and Griffiths Research Online. It also includes book reviews, and other related articles on current topics in the field.

The International Scholar Journal of Arts and Social Science Research is an open access, peer-reviewed journal of research papers. Its scope is broad, and includes anthropology, communication studies, cross-cultural studies, demography, development studies, geography, information science, linguistics, philosophy, psychology, and sociology. The journal is published quarterly, but is set to transition to CAP in 2021.

The International Scholar Journal of Arts and Social Science Research has been publishing articles in various fields for over twenty years. Its CAP (Consolidated Author Processing) scheme allows authors to pay to submit papers for consideration. The International Scholar Journal of Arts and Social Sciences follows a double-blind peer-review process, and encourages new trends and pure knowledge. The journal’s mission is to promote research and make the world aware of research in the humanities and social sciences.

The ISJASSR is a peer-reviewed, open-access journal dedicated to disseminating research. The journal is especially interested in papers that focus on the relevance of the arts in modern economies. The ISSJ was founded in 2005, and will transition to CAP in the year 2021. It has published over 5,000 articles to date and is a great place to publish your latest research!

The ISJASSR is an open access, refereed journal published by the Institute of Computer Science (IOCS) in Indonesia. The journal publishes articles in arts and social science. The journal has a renowned editorial board. Its editors aim to publish original research by international scholars and promote interdisciplinary studies. Its mission is to foster knowledge exchange. Its goal is to become the premier journal in the humanities.

ISSRSR is a peer-reviewed journal for the humanities and social sciences. It publishes research papers in humanities and social sciences in subjects such as art, history, and sociology. As a result, ISSRS is an excellent source for arts and social science research. However, it is important to note that the ISRS does not accept articles in a timely fashion.